Fish Species

Bluegill Depiction


Lepomis macrochirus

The Bluegill is a small bait fish, that like to travel together and can be seen in “swarms”. These fish are fun to catch because of how easy it is as they are very aggressive however very small. There are many different kinds with different colorings, such as the pumpkinseed, which is a subspecies.

White Crappie

White Crappie Depiction

Poxomis annularis

The White Crappie has long vertical black bars, with white scales covering the rest of the body. The fish also has a bucket like mouth, similar to the largemouth bass however very small. They like structure, and are known to be under fallen trees and in numbers together. They can weigh up to 2 pounds on average.

Smallmouth Bass Depiction

Smallmouth Bass

Micropterus dolomieu

The Smallmouth Bass is very similar looking to the largemouth bass, however with differences in the mouth, hence the name, the lighter/darker coloring, vertical stripes, and also growing to a smaller size. In the Charles River some can have coloring that is black instead of light green, because of the lack of sun and necessities. They can weigh up to 4 pounds on average.

Largemouth Bass

Largemouth Bass Depiction

Micropterus salmoides

The Largemouth Bass is traditionally the most popular game fish in America, and it is also the most popular in Wellesley. They have small molar-like teeth that are not sharp, and it is recommended to hold the fish by the mouth with the thumb or the body. If the fish is bent when held however, the jaw can break. They can weigh up to 7 pounds if extremely lucky.

Chain Pickerel

Esox niger

The Chain Pickerel is usually a highly aggressive fish, also territorial. They have many small teeth, and are long and skinny with a chain-like green pattern along the body. Also, they are very delicate fish and very slimy, recommended to wash your hands in the water before contact. To hold this fish, you either hold it by the gills or by the body. They can get up to 25 inches in length.

Common Carp

Cyprinus carpio

Common Carp Depiction

The Common Carp is a fun fish to catch. It is a bottom feeder, with yellow coloring and big scales. They have whiskers on their mouth in order to detect food on the bottom of the lake. They can grow up to 20, 25 pounds.

Yellow Perch

Perca flavescens

Yellow Perch Depiction

The yellow perch is a small fish with green vertical bars and yellow scales, also it has no teeth. It can be compared to the sunfish however it is longer and can grow bigger, up to 2 pounds.

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